b u i l d i n g b u s i n e s s b e a u t i f u l l y

Our quest is to spoil your sometimes finicky, always worthy skin with the most pure,
eco-conscious products possible.
After all, you may obsess over what you put in your body, but think about what you put on it. We thought about it, quite a bit actually, and we consciously chose to develop our line using ingredients that are organic, sustainable and locally sourced, much like the foods we prefer to eat.
Green, yet still luxurious, each of our high performance products protect and nourish the skin with vitamins and age-defying antioxidants, while remaining free of parabens, paba, petroleum and phthalates. An advocate of both research and education, COOLA donates to the Melanoma Research Alliance and Healthy Child Healthy World.
COOLA products are made with up to 97% certified organic ingredients, sourced with a Farm to Face® philosophy. Formulated with Plant Protection® and plant phyto-protectors, COOLA sunscreens contain up to 85% fewer actives than competitors.

33 Villiers St., Suite 106, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 1A9
416 462 9994 1 800 771 0982
© 2014 by beauty.mark solutions inc.